How We Improve Your Business to rank at 1st Page

We are a Google Partner, SEO and PPC agency certificated to meet Google’s standards for account management best practices. Quality customer service assured, you receive the full benefits of settings and features available to our team. Our campaigns run at peak cost efficiency and maximised results aimed at giving you the edge on your competitors

Be on top of organic search results.

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Be seen where the world chooses to watch.

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Advertise on top of Google.

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Reach customers on the web and in apps across devices.

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Google Ads
Advertising on Google is a game-changer. It enables companies to be found by potential customers looking for their products or services. When consumers are searching for a product or service there is often strong intent to buy behind their actions. We continuously optimize and improve campaigns to maximize results. Even when our goals have been met, we’ll continue to find ways to further exceed expectations.
Are potential customers finding you? 89% of consumer buying decisions start with search, and 9 out of 10 people don’t look past the first page. Ranking in top positions for relevant searches is imperative for generating online leads or sales. We have the experience and the track record to execute an effective SEO strategy that will help grow your business.
Content Writing
Content is the linchpin of successful marketing today. It’s critical for driving online visibility and providing valuable information to potential customers.
But how do you know what content is best for you? It’s one thing to understand that “content is king,” but it’s another entirely to grasp the countless forms content can take and know how to approach each content type and how to personalize it to work for your brand.
Facebook Management

Live Stream

Words, consectetur, from a lorem ipsum passage, and going through the world cities.


Facebook Ads

There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum available, but the majority have.



Contrary to popular belief, lorem ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece.


Instagram Story

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable page content.

Web Design
Is your website driving sales for your business? Our unique approach to web design and development is about creating an instrument that generates growth. We’ll engineer an effective website from the ground up or transform your current site into an effective marketing tool.
eCommerce Web Design
Your eCommerce site is the foundation of your business and should be designed to drive sales. Our web design experts focus on designing and building an eCommerce site that is easy to navigate, responsive for multiple screens and provide a frustration-free shopping experience.


Is your website driving sales for your business? Our unique approach to web design and development is about creating an instrument that generates growth. We'll engineer an effective website from the ground up or transform your current site into an effective marketing tool.

Get your free 20min free consultation


    Feel free to contact PageOne Agency regarding any query that you may have

    Phone: 6011 5696 3310


    Operating Hour:
    Mon – Fri 9am-6pm

    Address: 18-1, Jalan Elegan 3,
    Taman Putra Perdana,
    47130 Puchong, Malaysia.

    Do you have questions about how we can help your company?
    Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.